Using our on-line service you can have your taxes prepared without having to leave your home. Using TRACC Sharefile you can submit your documentation and after your return is reviewed and completed, we will e-file your tax return.
Please do not e-Mail tax documents as our system will automatically delete them.
Click the image for instructions
We realize many clients like paper and we are happy accept and provide paper versions of the tax documentation. Drop your documents in our locked drop box off at our location or use Canada post.
Please only submit documents needed to prepare your taxes. No envelops, plastic bags, folders etc.
Click mailbox for directions
We really enjoy interacting with our clients and many clients preference is to have an appointment. Please call and we will set up a time.
Requirements for Submitting Taxes
We start the process with you submitting your tax documents. Please help by collecting all of your documents prior to submitting to us. Using the Existing Client checklist in the forms section of this website often helps clients with the documents needed.
To avoid lengthy delays and additional preparation cost, please DO NOT submit your information UNTIL ALL YOUR DOUCEMENTS ARE READY
Once we have collected all your information, using our professional tax software, we will prepare and review your taxes. Many times during this process we may have questions for you which we may result in a call or email. Once complete we will provide you the return for review. Your complete return will be available on-line in your TRACC Sharefile folder for future years. For those with appointments or arrange to have their taxes picked up at our location, we will provide a summary of your return.
We carefully prepare and review your return for accuracy however you are ultimately responsible for your return. We strongly encourage you to thoroughly review your taxes, not only to ensure we have satisfactorily completed your return.
Before we can submit your taxes to CRA we must have a signed T183 form. The T183 will be included in the documentation we return to you. For on-line clients the T183 will be sent to you for electronic signature. Once we have received payment (and a signed T183) we will submit your taxes to CRA electronically, 2 working days later.
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